Austrian Society for the History of Sciences


“Name Saints and Godfathers—How Mathematical Concepts are baptized”

in Miesenbach, Lower Austria, between the valley of the Piesting and Puchberg am Schneeberg

from Sunday, May 1st, till Saturday, May 7th, 2016

Costs: approx EUR 350.— (per person, in a single room), approx EUR 310.— (per person, in a double room) (including accomodation in a
standard room with bath and toilet, full board, transfer from and to the railway station, an excursion, and the proceedings volume; for accommodation in a category A room add EUR 30.—)

Organization: Dr. Christa Binder
Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing
Vienna University of Technology
Wiedner Hauptstr. 8-10/101
A 1040 Vienna


Dear colleagues,

The 13th Austrian Symposion on the History of Mathematics will take place in the week from Sunday, May 1st (arrival in the afternoon) till Saturday, May 7th, 2016 (departure after breakfast).

We all know the remark:  "When a theorem is attributed to a person, then this person has nothing (or very little) to do with it."  (There are exceptions, of course.)  Thus we ask how mathematical theorems got their names?  Who formulated it, who contributed, who proved or generalized it?  And, finally, who coined its name (and why)?  Similar questions can be asked not only for results, but also for the names of mathematical concepts of any kind.

Miesenbach and the hotel Boersenhof were much appreciated on previous occasions and will welcome us again, for the seventh time already.  For all who want to participate for the first time:  Miesenbach is a small and idyllic village between the valley of the Piesting (train station) and Puchberg am Schneeberg (another train station), in a valley between the mountains Hohe Wand and Oehler.  Nearby, there are many possibilities for hiking, ranging from an easy walk to a nearby waterfall, to alpine climbing, and for sightseeing, as well.   For instance, Miesenbach offers a museum dedicated to Friedrich Gauermann (an Austrian painter of the Biedermeier era), you may also visit the Mariahilferberg, a place of pilgrimage near Gutenstein, the Raimund memorial (Raimund was an Austrian author of popular plays), and many other places.

The indicated costs include all meals from Sunday evening to Saturday morning (buffet breakfast, many choices of warm dishes for lunch and dinner), the transfer from and to the railway station, an excursion, and the proceedings volume of the meeting. 

All rooms have shower, toilet, telephone and SAT-TV, the category A rooms are in a new building, they are more spacious, and have a balcony. You may choose the category of the room on a first come, first served basis.

As usual, a proceedings volume of the meeting will be published, containing short versions (approximately 5 pages) of the talks. 

Of course, I shall inform all colleagues known to me, but in order to inform as many as possible of those interested in the history of mathematics let me ask you to help me distribute this announcement.  Please feel free to forward it to everyone who you think might be interested (or send me the names and addresses).

News will be distributed per email (preferred) or letter
(if requested) to everyone who indicates their interest in any form till the end of January 2016.  You might also check the website of the Austrian Society for the History of Sciences (
Further Information on the hotel and the village are found on the internet (

I am looking forward to welcoming you in Miesenbach next May.

Christa (Binder)



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